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We all know how important your career and professional life is for you and the importance of its stability in life. A good job helps you in growing both on the personal and financial front. But sometimes it is not that easy to maintain that perfection in your professional life and you have to face some ups and downs in your work.

Career Prediction is the most effective accurate career related predictions, and provides insight for auspiciousness and favorability in matters related to career, career path-vocation, profession, occupation, job, employment, govt job prediction by date of birth, business, Career Astrology, trade etc.

With the help of astrology, an astrologer can predict the profession that a new born would go for. Career Astrology can also tell the nature of the Person in terms of profession and studies.


Marriage is an important aspect of life and holds a vast significance in our culture and beliefs. Astrology focuses on providing a broad, predictive compatibility forecast of your marital life, about your spouse, the bond you'll share, highs and lows and much more based on planetary positions. You'll get to know the reasons for all this along with what factors will prove to be fatal in marital life as per Vedic astrology. You'll get to know how planets may influence your life and shape up your marital bond. You'll get an analysed narrative summoning the possibility of marriage by a certain time, and factors casting an impression in your marriage with your spouse.

Astrology offers the best Marriage Prediction, the married couples get accurate marriage prediction free about their love, marriage prediction by date of birth, marriage compatibility, marriage age prediction, relationship, love marriage prediction by date of birth etc.

Worship lesson

The Navagrahas are powerful spiritual influences. The Hindu Panchanga is the spiritual calendar that reveals their times of influence through the yearly cycle of spiritual practice (sadhana). The Hindu Panchanga lists daily times for key festivals and prescribes suggested worship, or the avoidance of certain influences, in order to make our lives easier and help us to keep focused on the spiritual path.

In addition to sadhana for various Navagrahas and their Ruling Deities, like Shiva, Durga, and other devas, there are methods, or spiritual practices, called upayas that may be prescribed by the Jyotishi (Vedic Astrologer) in order to promote greater peace for a specific individual according to their karma.


When the couple gets married, they wish for a little bundle of joy to grace their lives from the god. No degree of materialistic comforts can equal the joy of having their own child. All wishes & happiness of life revolve around welcoming that bundle of joy in the form of their child. The very thought of bringing a new life into this world sounds very sweet and soothing to married couples.

Once the time is right for a child to enter into their life, they plunge into preparations for ensuring the goal of a child is achieved. However, this is a game where man cannot control the final result or so modern science leads one to believe. Based on medical tests results of the man and woman, sometimes doctors prescribe extremely costly treatments where again risks and side-effects are many, or they may say with finality that it is not possible to conceive and the couple would remain childless for ever.

However, the ancient and divine science of astrology is worth looking into for everyone to know their chances of conceiving a child and also to remove the blocks or obstacles in conceiving a child.


When it comes to marriage, this special astrological combination brings about discord and tension. It is a deciding factor that has to be given a serious thought when you really think of getting married. The choice is yours, but it becomes a wise one when you check your horoscope for Mangal dosha. Perfect horoscope matching reduces the ill-effects of managl dosha and helps you find astrological remedies.


There are at least 43 different dasha systems. "Dasha" is the major period of a planet. It is called the "Poorna Dasha" if the planet is the most powerful or is in its sign of exaltation, which dasha gives health and wealth; the dasha of a powerless planet is called the "Rikta dasha", "Rikta" means poor or devoid of any power. Varahamihira explains that the dasha of the planet occupying unfriendly sign and navamsa will produce Aristaphala i.e. undesirable or miserable results; the planet that has fallen from exaltation but is in friendly or exalted navamsa gives ordinary results, and the planet that is ascending from debilitation but is in debilitated or unfriendly navamsa, gives a worthless period.


Indian festivals are correlated with Astrology or Jyotish (movement of Moon & Sun in the sky). Most festivals are based upon the phase of Moon in a particular Indian month (or maah) & paksha (or fortnight). A few like Lohari & Baisakhi are based upon the transition of Sun from one rashi to another (saur sankranti). Lohri comes on Makar Sankranti (it means when Sun enters in the sign of Capricorn or Makar) & Baisakhi comes on Maish Sankranti (it means when Sun enters in the sign of Aries or Maish). It is surprising to learn that most great saints & philosophers of India like Budh, Ved Vyas, Nanak, Balmiki, Kabir & Ravidas have taken birth on Poornimas or Full Moon days. Poorna Kumbha Mela in Haridwar takes place whenever Jupiter enters the sign of Aquarius (Kumbh rashi) & Sun enters the sign of Aries (Maish rashi). Ardh Kumbha takes place whenever Jupiter enters the sign of Leo (Singh rashi) & Sun enters the sign of Aries (Maish rashi).


Your name is extremely important as it is how you identify yourself. You are known and identified by your name to the outside world. A name is the unique part of language that is attached and given to you by your parents or relatives. Your name affects your overall pattern of thinking, including mental strengths and weaknesses.

Every name has a meaning. It is said more you are called by your name, more you would inherit the qualities related to your particular name. You can see all around that some people are naturally detailed; others are disorganized. Some are promoters; others are teachers. Some are people-oriented; others are loners. Some are technical; others are inspirational. Some are happy and optimistic; others are satirically contemptuous of others. Some are reliable; others are indifferent. Some are intellectual; others live in their feelings. These thinking patterns are to a great extent dependant upon the name and the meaning of that name which a person has been given by parents.