The night sky always fascinated him-stars dangling all over. Our would be founder Indrakumar (late Indrakumar Chakraborty: 1924-1999) would wake up at midnight and be star-struck. As he grew, the study of stars and their influence on human lives attracted him more and more and thus began his systematic study of astrology.
That was the beginning. But ill-luck awaited Indrakumar. The country, though achieved independence, was partitioned amidst chaos and confusion. Indrakumar had to leave the tranquility of ancestral home in eastern Bengal as a copper less refugee. Broke, but unbroken Indrakumar migrated to this part of Bengal, In India.
The indomitable spirit that he was, Indrarkurnar fought back with his knowledge of astral gems and in November, 1965 he founded at 126 Aurobinda Sarani, Kolkata 700 006 the first showroom of the organisation. In 1995, he opened another showroom near Lake Market at 96A & B Rashbehari Avenue, Kolkata 700 026. In 1999, on the 15th of March, he left for his heavenly abode. Indrakumar is no more. But he is survived not only by his family members but also by an astrological service that he pioneered in this country.
Today, Ratnagiri offers a wide range of service and products to its customers, including gold and diamond jewellery from its Rashbehari Avenue showroom.