Aries is ruled by Mars, Sun is exalted in this sign, Saturn is debilitated. Persons born under this sign possess lean and muscular body, middle stature, long face and neck, broad head and narrow chin. They have bushy eye brow, rough or wiry hair. Arians are ambitious, rash in temper and of aggressive nature. They enjoy good health and have power of resistance for the diseases. Arians are not meant for amassing wealth. They are impulsive in action, extremely frank and enthusiastic in love. They are good friends and excellent hosts. Love their home and family. Professions connected with Army, Chemist, Police, Machines, Industry or Medical best suite them. They are strong and energetic but also innocent. They are the first sign of the Zodiac and are often very bold, simple, and candid and speak from their heart.
They love wholeheartedly and care for their family more than anything else. They do not like to bow down to any one be it spouse or boss. Many of you make great fighters, fearless and brave.
They are often very aggressive and can make blatant follies. They are also NOT one of the most adjustable signs of the Zodiac.
Taurus is ruled by Venus. Moon is exalted in this sign. Person born in this sign are of robust and healthy appearance, normally of medium height or somewhat below average. The bodily structure is typically thick, stocky and squarish. In a physical sense, they tend to very much resemble their zodiac mascot, the Bull. Taurus natives have a natural ability to develop and maintain wealth. These are reliable and loyal souls who are easy to get along with and make good team players. Those born under the sign are fearless, kind and very magnanimous when not irritated. They are generous, and opt to load themselves with the burden and sorrows of others. Profession connected with independent business – textile, vehicles, plastic paints, sale of fancy goods, production of ladies dress materials, jewelry shops and hotel.
They are steady and function best under harmonious atmosphere. The two most important life aspects for them are a stable and prosperous financial condition and an emotionally stimulating life partner.
They are capable of great devotion to your mate, but can become absolutely desolate and withdrawn if otherwise. They need wealth and comfort to be really happy in life.They are steady about their love life and emotions.Gemini is ruled by Mercury. Persons born under this sign are usually slender in built and of average height, or slightly taller. Gemini features are finely chiseled with soft and pleasing proportions. The eyes are light in color with extraordinary dark and long lashes. The overlook look of Gemini individual is quick, moving and sharp. Gemini are said to have a dual nature, as symbolized by twins. This duality also represents exchange and interaction i.e. exchange of ideas, communication and trade. They are adaptable, versatile, intellectual, communicative, spontaneous, eloquent and youthful. Profession connected with journalist, engineers, analytical studies, talk show host, and public relation tour guide.They are warm and witty with a mischievous streak that others often fail to appreciate.
While they may lay down their life for a charitable cause, they may not understand theur responsibilities. However that does not mean that they will not take care of personal well-being or that of family.They have very good communication skills and are a veryintelligent person.They would be ready to change course at moments notice and be absolutely happy about it.
Cancer is ruled by Moon. Jupiter is exalted in this sign, Mars is debilitated. Persosn born under this sign have a moderate stature, thick neck and round face. They are social and love enjoyment. They are dutiful and virtuous and have respect for spiritual guards. They are home birds. They are very sensitive and take the things personally. If when they are hurt they go hysterical. Extremely initiative and imaginative these natives make designers and artists. Professions best suit them are hotel, bakery, animal husbandry, tea or coffee business.They are kind and generous especially where animals or children are concerned. They may not be demonstrative but will not walk away from existing relationships if there is dispute.
They have a strong sense of duty and your family is important for you.They may lay down your life for a charitable cause, but you may not budge an inch in a fight, and withdraw into their protective shell for a prolonged period of time. But they can ultimately forget and forgive.
Leo is ruled by Sun, the king of all planets. Leo is also known as the royal sign of the zodiac. Persons born under this sign possess longer face with firm bones. They have beautiful eyes full of passion. They are straight forward, speak truth and often express others with their elegance. They are proud souls who place courage and personal honesty. These natives welcome both authority and responsibility. It is the Leo strength of well energy and vigor which makes natives one of the best types to lead in the world. They have great administrative talents. Such natives are civil servants, politicians, ministers, chief executives, gold jewelers, fireman, forest officer etc trades best suit them.They are a born leaders and are very generous. They do things in style.
They can not be anything else but the king/queen. There is always an inherent call in their nature to rule and they do not accept defeat easily.They are kind and will help anyone in need but it is almost impossible to ask for help for themselvers as they are too proud to do that.They are dutiful and mostly never selfish. Fidelity at times may become a problem as they do like flattery and especially when it comes from the members of the opposite sex.
Virgo is ruled by Mercury. Mercury is exalted in this sign, Venus is debilited. Persons born under this sign have glow of beauty and softness on their face. They are stable but flexible. Virgos can be too critical of others, they can accurately analyze situations and see reasonable actions for improvement. Virgos are neat, clean and fussy about how things should be done. They are analytical by nature and often value all sorts of systems. They are reliable, practical and task-oriented, do well in methodical, analytical jobs such as those in information technology and accounting.They are a careful person and do not like to be pushed into taking hasty decisions.
While they are orderly and have a strong sense of right and wrong, it also creates a critical bent of mind. They hate any kind of disorder and do not appreciate people who are not perfect in their mannerisms.
They can pack in more rest and relaxation in their agenda since they always go by a plan and look down upon random activities. They are slow to demonstrate their emotions but do expect their life partner to know and understand their true feelings.
Libra is ruled by Venus. Saturn is exalted in this sign and Sun is debilitated. Libra is the sign to be represented by an inanimate object – The Scale. The natives of Libra are the very personification of refinement and affection. They are calm person though aware of the worldly bustles did manage to link with spirituality. They are fun and peace loving individual. They have strong ethics, and differentiate what is wrong and right. They are the perfect host of any social gathering. They love to taste every tits and bits of life but do not compromise in any terms. Profession connected with – advocates, beauticians, fashion designing, fashion models, interior decorators, air hostess, cinema and TV artists, perfume and costly and costly garment business.They are a born dreamer and a just person. Key words in their life are beauty and harmony. They are perhaps as beautiful inside as their appearance.
They love beautiful things of life and often live in a dream world. They are a true romantic with equal share of passion thrown into intimate relationship. There is always a sense of right and wrong and they do not like unfair means. They are demonstrative and their life partner may have very little to complain about in that respect.
Scorpio is ruled by Mars. Moon is debilitated in this sign. Persons born in under this sign have charming physique, well shaped thighs and feet. They posses a magnetism in their personality. They are determined, ambitious and very clear about their goals in their life. They are secretive by nature. Their plans and strategies to achieve their goals are generally hidden and not known to everybody. Profession best suit to them are surgery, research, investigation, defense, detective, entrepreneurs, journalists, scientific, chemist and archeologist.It is one of the strongest signs in the Zodiac where the strength lies in subtlety and not in pomp and show.
They are intense and intuitive but never aggressive in the usual sense of the term. They fight their opposition in much more lethal way than most. While other strong signs will forget to consider all the angles, they will find the most vulnerable spot easily and attack.They are passionate and possessive in love and cannot accept denials with grace.
Sagittarians are dynamic, jovial, optimist, versatile, open and fair mended. They are enterprising, energetic, god fearing, honest and humble. They are religious, inspiring and sacrificing nature. They hate external show and hypocrisy. Typhoid, liver disorders, nervous breakdown etc diseases trouble them. Profession connected with councilor, adviser, teachers, priests, physicians, army commanders, medicine, librarian and astrologer.They are wise and patient. There are times when they can really get expansive and plan beyond their capacity. Reality checks with them are a constant need.
They are good at sports and make very good referees as well. There is more in their action than in the mind. But there is also a acute sense of dreaming that can make them into a loner.
Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. Mars is exalted in this sign and Jupiter is debilitated. They are tall, lean, stiff all over body, bid head and big neck. They are strong willed, ambitious, determined, reliable, careful and disciplined person. They have knack of adjusting to circumstances, respects sympathy and generosity. They are philanthropic and have good organizing skills. They suffer wind diseases, allergic to cold and indolent. Professions best suit to them are public works, farmer, civil servants, builder, marine product, water goods and responsible executive jobs.They have a magnetic personality and enjoy tremendous clout with the members of the opposite sex.
They are witty and can turn dull and boring conversation with wit and irony. They are intelligent than most and do wonderfully at any field, be it vocation or profession.
do not like any kind of wastage and hence almost never waste their time.They are patient and wait for your turn even if it takes years. They cannot take failures in their stride and almost never fail in their endeavors.
Aquarius is ruled by Saturn. Persons born under this sign are handsome, fair looking with dark hair. They have attractive appearance, elegant disposition, fleshy lips, broad cheeks and large body like a pitcher. They are humanitarians, independent, friendly, inventive and loyal. They leave an indelible impression wherever they go. They suffer due to nervous disorder, anemia, dropsy and backbone diseases. Profession connected with astronomer, archeologist, computer programmer, electrical engineer, inventor, pilot, radiographer and fire service etc.They live in their own mind where there are no barriers to restrict them.
They are kind and may go out of thei way to help someone in need.They like new ideas and some of them make great reformers. There may be hundreds of ideas in their head and some of them will be so interesting that they may hold a spellbound audience. Love and romance has a lot of potential if they are with a mental and like minded person.Favourable Points for Aquarius
Pisces is ruled by Jupiter. Venus gets exalted in this sign and Mercury is debilitated. Persons born under this sign are fair, stout and of middle sized height. They have lustrous face, large head, beautiful eyes, full and chubby figure and broad belly. They are religious, god fearing, learned and superstitious. They are inclined to change and travel, emotional and psychic nature. They are shy but hospitable and helpful. Lungs, digestion problems, TB, tumors, boils, drug addiction forgetfulness etc diseases can be seen with Pisces person.
Professions connected with – hospital, nursing, spiritual healer, caterer, refreshments, shipping boats, navy and international traders, actors, drama, writers, creative thinking, imagination, painters, musicians etc.It is the last sign of the Zodiac and has a lot of potential. They are intelligent than most and do wonderfully at any field, be it vocation or profession.
They are a person who thinks beyond the restrictions of reality. They always keep provisions for all the ifs and buts. This creates problem in setting a concrete pattern in their life path.